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Güncelleme21.03.2022 17:01:16


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Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Öğretim Üyesi

İş Sağlığı Güvenliği Bölümü
İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Bölümü Bölüm Başkanı




1. Adı Soyadı              : Hüsnü KOÇ

2. Doğum Tarihi          :01.07.1978

3. Unvanı                    : Doç. Dr.

4.Öğrenim Durumu    :














Harran Üniversitesi


Y. Lisans


Harran Üniversitesi




Çukurova Üniversitesi



5. Akademik Unvanlar


Yardımcı Doçentlik Tarihi        : 2011-2015

Doçentlik Tarihi                        :2015-....

Profesörlük Tarihi                    :-


6. Yönetilen Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora Tezleri

6.1. Yüksek Lisans Tezleri

1. X3Y2S7 (X=Ba, Pb, Sr; Y=Zr, Ti, Hf)  tipi Ruddlesden-Popper sülfid bileşiklerin farklı fazlarda             yapısal, mekanik, elektronik ve optik özelliklerinin ab- initio yöntemiyle incelenmesi, (Devam Ediyor)

            2.   …

6.2. Doktora Tezleri


            2.   …


7. Yayınlar

7.1. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (SCI,SSCI,Artsand Humanities)

1. S. Yılmaz and H. Koc, "Light Scattering By DNA Structure Due to Phase Transition", Molecular Physics, 103 (2005) 2633-2637

 2. H. Koc, E. Deligöz and Amirullah M. Mamedov, "The elastic, electronic, and optical properties of PtSi and PtGe compounds", Philosophical Magazine, 91 (2011) 3093-3107

3. A. Yildirim, H. Koc, and E. Deligoz, "First- principles study of structural, elastic, electronic, optical, and vibrational properties of intermetallic Pd2Ga", Chinese Physics B, 21 (2012) 037101.1-037101.8

4.  H. Koc, A. Yildirim, and E. Deligoz, “ Ab initio calculations of elastik, electronic, optical, and vibrational properties of PdGa compound under pressure”, Chinese Physics B, 21 (2012) 097102.1-097102.8

5. H. Koc, A. Yildirim, E. Tetik, E. Deligoz, “Ab initio calculation of structural, elastik, electronic, and linear optical properties of ZrPtSi and TiPtSi ternary compounds”, computational Materials Science, 62 (2012) 235-242

6. H. Koc, Amirullah M. Mamedov, E. Deligoz, and H. Ozisik, First principles prediction of elastic, electronic, and optical properties of Sb2S3 and Sb2Se3 compounds”, Solid State Science, 14 (2012) 1211-1220

7. H. Koc, Amirullah M. Mamedov, Ekmel Ozbay, “Optical properties and Electronic band structure of topological insulators(on A25B36 compound based)”, Ferroelectrics, 448 (2013) 29-41

8. S. Simsek, H. Koc, Amirullah M. Mamedov, Ekmel Ozbay, “Electron Spectroscopy and The Electronic Structure of KNbO3: First Principle Calculations”, Ferroelectrics, 461 (2014) 99-105

9.  H. Koc, H. Ozisik, E. Deligoz, Amirullah M. Mamedov, and Ekmel Ozbay “Mechanical, electronic, and optical properties of Bi2S3 and Bi2Se3 compounds: first principle investigations”, Journal of Molecular Modeling, 20 (2014) 1-12

10. H. Koc, S. Simsek, S. Palaz, O. Oltulu, Amirullah M. Mamedov, and Ekmel Ozbay "Mechanical, electronic, and optical properties of A4B6 layered ferroelectrics: ab initio calculations. Phys. Status Solidi C (2015) 1-8.

11. H. Koc, S. Simsek, Amirullah M. Mamedov, Ekmel Ozbay "Optical properties of  narrow-band ferroelectrics: first principle calculations. Ferroelectrics, 483 (2015) 1-10.
12. S. Simsek, H. Koc, S. Palaz, O. Oltulu, Amirullah M. Mamedov, and Ekmel Ozbay "Band gap and optical transmission in  Fibonacci type one-dimensional A5B6C7 based photonic crystal" Phys. Status Solidi C (2015) 1-5.
13. S. Simsek, H. Koc, S. Palaz, O. Oltulu, Amirullah M. Mamedov, and Ekmel Ozbay "SbSI based photonic crystal superlattices: band structure and optics" materials Science and Engineering 77 (2015) 012020.
14. S. Simsek, H. Koc, S. Palaz, O. Oltulu, Amirullah M. Mamedov, and Ekmel Ozbay "Dynamic nonlinear optical processes in some oxygen-octahedra ferroelectrics: first principle calculations. Ferroelectrics, 483 (2015) 1-17.
15. S. Palaz, H. Koc, Amirullah M. Mamedov, and Ekmel Ozbay  “Topological Insulators: Electronic Band Structure and Spectroscopy”  IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 175 (2017) 012004.
16. S. Palaz, H. Koc, Haci Ozisik, Engin Deligöz, Amirullah M. Mamedov, and Ekmel Ozbay “Optical and magnetic properties of some XMnSb and Co2YZ compounds: ab initio calculations” Phys. Status Solidi C DOI 10.1002/pssc.201600182 (2017) 
17. H. Koc, S. Palaz, Amirullah M. Mamedov, and Ekmel Ozbay "Optical electronic and elastic properties of some A5B6C7 ferroelectric (A=Sb, Bi; B=S, Se; C=I, Br, Cl) Ferroelectrics 511 (2017) 22-34.

7.2. Uluslararası diğer hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler

1. H. Koc and Amirullah M. Mamedov, "Band Structure and Optical Properties of Some Quasi-molecular AI3 (A=Sb, Bi, As)", International Journal of Nanoelectronics and Materials, 3 (2010) 37-

2. H. Koc, H. Akkus and Amirullah M. Mamedov, "Band Structure and Optical Properties of BiOCl: Density Functional Calculation", Gazi University Journal of Science, 25 (2012) 9-17

7.3. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler

1. H. Koc and  Amirullah M. Mamedov, “Band Structure and Optical Properties of Some Quasi-molecular AI3 (A=Sb, Bi, As)”, IMMEA-2009, 2nd International Meeting on Materials Electronic Applications, 62 pp., 8-10 May 2009, Hammamet, Tunisia

2. H. Koc "First Principles Study of Electronic Band Structure and Optical Properties of Sb2S3 and Sb2Se3 Crystals", Turkish Physical Society, 26. International Physics Conference, 146 pp., 24-27 September 2009, Bodrum, Turkey

3. H. Koc, H. Akkus and Amirullah M. Mamedov " Band Structure And Optical Properties of Some Ternary Compounds - : Ab  Initio  Calculation" , ICTMC-17, The 17th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds, 126 pp., 27-30 September 2010, Baku, Azerbaijan

4. H. Koç and A. Yıldırım, “Ab-initio Calculation of Structural, Electronic and Optical Properties of BiTeI Compound ”, Turkish Physical Society, 28. International Physics Conference, 813 pp., 6-9 September 2011, Bodrum, Turkey

5. H. Koc, Amirullah M. Mamedov and Ekmel Ozbay, "Optical Properties and Electronic Band Structure of Topological Insulators on  compound based", ISAF ECAPD PFM, 21st International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics, 11th European Conference on Application of Polar Dielectrics and 4th Conference  Piezoresponse Force Microscopy and Nanoscale Phenomena in Polar Materials, 378 pp., 9-13 July 2012, Aveiro, Portugal

6. H. Koc, Amirullah M. Mamedov and Ekmel Ozbay. “Structural, Elastic, and Vibrational of Topological Insulators on A25B36 compound based”, 2013 Joint UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium (International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF) and Piezoresponse Force Microscopy and Nanoscale Phenomena in Polar Materials (PFM), Joint International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF)), 75 pp., 21-25 July 2013, Prague

7. S. Simsek, H. Koc, Amirullah M. Mamedov and Ekmel Ozbay, "Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy and Electronic Structure of ABO3 Ferroelectrics: First Principle Calculations", 13th International Meeting on Ferroelectricity (IMF-13), 585 pp., 2-6 September 2013, Poland

8. H. Koc, Amirullah M. Mamedov and Ekmel Ozbay. “Optical properties of narrow-band ferrolectrics: first principle calculation, RCBJSF-2014-FM&NT Participants, 141 pp., September 29-October 2, 2014 Riga.

9. Husnu Koc, Sevket Simsek, Selami Palaz, Oral Oltulu, Amirullah M. Mamedov and Ekmel Ozbay” Band Structure and Optical Properties of A4B6 layered ferroelectrics: ab initio calculation“,19th International Conferenceon Ternary and Multinary Compounds, September 1-5, 2014, Niigata, JAPAN ICTMC-19

10. Sevket Simsek, Husnu Koc, Selami Palaz, Oral Oltulu, Amirullah M. Mamedov and Ekmel Ozbay, “Band Gap and Optical Transmission in Fibonacci Type One-Dimensional A5B6C7 Based Photonic Crystals”, 19th International Conferenceon Ternary and Multinary Compounds, September 1-5, 2014, Niigata, JAPAN ICTMC-19

11. Sevket Simsek, Husnu Koc, Sule Ugur, Oral Oltulu, Amirullah M. Mamedov and Ekmel Ozbay, "Born effective charge parameters of some narrow band ferroelectrics" 13th European Meeting on Ferroelectricity (EMF-2015).

12. Palaz Selami, Husnu Koc, , Amirullah M. Mamedov and Ekmel Ozbay, " Topological Insulators: Electronic Band Structure and Spectroscopy" The 4th International Conference on Competitive Materials and Tecnology Processes, October 3-7, 2016, Hungary

13. Palaz Selami, Husnu Koc, Hacı Özışık, Engin Deligoz, Amirullah M. Mamedov and Ekmel Ozbay, " Electronic Structures, Optical and Magnetic Properties of Some Heusler Compounds Spintronic Devicies: ab initio calculation", The 4th International Conference on Competitive Materials and Tecnology Processes, October 3-7, 2016, Hungary

14. Husnu Koc, Palaz Selami, Amirullah M. Mamedov and Ekmel Ozbay, " Optical, Electronic and Elastic Properties of Some A5B6C7 Ferroelectrics (A=Sb, Bi; B=S, Se; C=I, Br, Cl): first principle calculation", Joint RCBJSF-IWRF Conference, Matsue, Japan

15. Husnu Koc, Palaz Selami, Gökay Uğur, Amirullah M. Mamedov and Ekmel Ozbay, " Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of Ruddlesden-Popper Perovskite Sulfides: first principle calculation", 20th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds, September 5-9, 2016, Germany

16. Palaz Selami, Husnu Koc, Hacı Özışık, Engin Deligoz, Amirullah M. Mamedov and Ekmel Ozbay, " Optical and Magnetic Properties of Some X2YZ Compounds: ab initio calculations" 20th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds, September 5-9, 2016, Germany

17. Sabit Horoz, Husnu Koc,  Ömer Şahin, " Comparison Structural and Optical Properties of Sb2S3 Thin Films" 10th International Clean Energy Symposium", October 24-26, 2016, Turkey.

18. Selami Palaz, Husnu Koc, Gokay Ugur, Ekmel Ozbay, Amirullah Mamedov, "Elastic and optical properties of Ruddlestone-Popper perovskites-ab initio calculation" The Fourteenh International Meeting on Ferroelectricity (IMF 2017), September 4-8, 2017, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

19. H. Koc, Amirullah M. Mamedov, Ekmel Ozbay, "Ab initio Modeling of Elastic and Optical Properties of Sb and Bi Sesquioxides" The 3. International Conference on Rheology and Modeling of Materials (IC-RMM3), in Miskolc-Lillafüred, Hungary, 2-6 October, 2017. 

7.4. Yazılan uluslararası kitaplar veya kitaplarda bölümler

            1.   …

            2.   …

7.5. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler

1. S.HOROZ, H. KOÇ, Ö. ŞAHİN, "Investigation of Structural, Optical and Photovoltaic Properties of Sb2S3 Thin Films" Cumhuriyet Sci. Vol. 38-3 (2017) 588-593.


7.6. Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler

1. S. Yılmaz, H. Koc, “DNA Yapısından Işık Saçılması ve Faz Dönüşümü”, Türk Fizik Derneği (TFD-22), 22. Fizik Kongresi, 462 pp., 14-17 Eylül 2004, Bodrum, Türkiye

2. Husnu Koc, " Ortorombik ve hekzagonal CeNiSn bileşiğin mekanik, elektronik ve optik özellikleri: ab initio (temel prensip) hesaplamaları", 22. Yoğun Madde Fiziği  Ankara Toplantısı, 16 Aralık 2016, Ankara, Türkiye

7.7. Diğer yayınlar

1. H. Koc and Amirullah M. Mamedov, "Electronic Band Structure and Optical Properties of Sb2S3 and Sb2Se3: Ab initio Calculation", Fizika16 (2010) 107-111

2. H. Koc, Amirullah M. Mamedov, Ekmel Ozbay,”Structural,Electronic, and Optical Properties of Ag2Se and Ag2Te Compounds: A First Principles Study”, Fizika, 19 (2013) 67-71



1. DNA’nın Fiziko-Kimyasal Özelliklerinin Spektroskopik  Yöntemlerle İncelenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Projesi, HR.Ü., 2003-555,  Proje Yürütücüsü, 2005


2. Sb2S3 ve SbI3  Kristallerinin Elektronik Band Yapısı ve Optik  Özellikleri: Ab-initio (Temel  Prensip) Hesaplamaları, Doktora Projesi, Ç.Ü., FEF. 2008 D-12, Proje Yürütücüsü, 2010.

3. Kimyasal Depolama Yöntemi Kullanılarak Sb2S3 ince Filmlerin Eldesi Ve Karakterizasyonu, 2013- SİÜFED- F4, Proje Yürütücüsü, 2016

4. X3Y2S7 (X=Ba, Pb, Sr; Y=Zr, Ti, Hf)  tipi Ruddlesden-Popper sülfid bileşiklerin farklı fazlarda             yapısal, mekanik, elektronik ve optik özelliklerinin ab- initio yöntemiyle incelenmesi, 2018-SİÜFEB-006 (Devam Ediyor)


9.İdari Görevler

            1.   Bölüm Başkanı (2011-....)

            2.   …


10.Bilimsel ve Mesleki Kuruluşlara Üyelikler

            1.  Türk Fizik Derneği

            2.  …



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12.Son iki yılda verdiğiniz lisans ve lisansüstü düzeydeki dersler için aşağıdaki tabloyu doldurunuz.





Dersin Adı

Haftalık Saati

Öğrenci Sayısı






Fizik I




Fizik I




Elektromanyetik Alan Teorisi I




İleri Elektromanyetik Teori I




İleri Katıhal Fiziği I





Fizik I




Elektromanyetik Alan Teorisi II




İleri Katıhal Fiziği II




Yoğunluk Fonksiyonel Teorisi







Fizik I




Elektromanyetik Alan Teorisi I




İleri Elektromanyetik  Teori I




İleri Katıhal Fiziği I





Fizik I




İleri Katıhal Fiziği I




Yoğunluk Fonksiyonel Teorisi





Not: Açılmışsa, yaz döneminde verilen dersler de tabloya ilave edilecektir.

Güncelleme : 21.03.2022 17:02:21

A. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (SCI & SSCI &ArtsandHumanities)

1. S. Yılmaz and H. Koc, "Light Scattering By DNA Structure Due to Phase Transition", Molecular Physics, 103 (2005) 2633-2637


2. H. Koc, E. Deligöz and Amirullah M. Mamedov, "The elastic, electronic, and optical properties of PtSi and PtGe compounds", Philosophical Magazine, 91 (2011) 3093-3107


3. A. Yildirim, H. Koc, and E. Deligoz, "First- principles study of the structural, elastic, electronic, optical, and vibrational properties of intermetallic Pd2Ga", Chinese Physics B, 21 (2012) 037101.1-037101.8


4. H. Koc, A. Yildirim, and E. Deligoz, “ Ab initio calculations of the elastik, electronic, optical, and vibrational properties of PdGa compound under pressure”, Chinese Physics B, 21 (2012) 097102.1-097102.8


5. H. Koc, A. Yildirim, E. Tetik, E. Deligoz, “Ab initio calculation of the structural, elastik, electronic, and linear optical properties of ZrPtSi and TiPtSi ternary compounds”, computational Materials Science, 62 (2012) 235-242


6. H. Koc, Amirullah M. Mamedov, E. Deligoz, and H. Ozisik, “First principles prediction of the elastic, electronic, and optical properties of Sb2S3 and Sb2Se3 compounds”, Solid State Science, 14 (2012) 1211-1220


7. H. Koc, Amirullah M. Mamedov, Ekmel Ozbay, “Optical properties and Electronic band structure of topological insulators(on A25B36 compound based)”, Ferroelectrics, 448 (2013) 29-41


8. S. Simsek, H. Koc, Amirullah M. Mamedov, Ekmel Ozbay, “Electron Spectroscopy and The Electronic Structure of KNbO3: First Principle Calculations”, Ferroelectrics, 461 (2014) 99-105


9. H. Koc, H. Ozisik, E. Deligoz, Amirullah M. Mamedov, and Ekmel Ozbay “Mechanical, electronic, and optical properties of Bi2S3 and Bi2Se3 compounds: first principle investigations”, Journal of Molecular Modeling, 20 (2014) 1-12


10. H. Koc, S. Simsek, Amirullah M. Mamedov, Ekmel Ozbay "Optical properties of the narrow-band ferroelectrics: first principle calculations. Ferroelectrics, 483 (2015) 1-10.


11. S. Simsek, H. Koc, S. Palaz, O. Oltulu, Amirullah M. Mamedov, and Ekmel Ozbay "Dynamic nonlinear optical processes in some oxygen-octahedra ferroelectrics: first principle calculations. Ferroelectrics, 483 (2015) 1-17.


12. H. Koc and Amirullah M. Mamedov, "Band Structure and Optical Properties of Some Quasi-molecular AI3 (A=Sb, Bi, As)", International Journal of  Nanoelectronics and Materials, 3 (2010) 37-51


13. H. Koc, H. Akkus and Amirullah M. Mamedov, "Band Structure and Optical Properties of BiOCl: Density Functional Calculation", Gazi University Journal of Science, 25 (2012) 9-17


14. H. Koc, S. Simsek, S. Palaz, O. Oltulu, Amirullah M. Mamedov, and Ekmel Ozbay "Mechanical, electronic, and optical properties of the A4B6 layered ferroelectrics: ab initio calculations. Phys. Status Solidi C (2015) 1-8.


15. S. Simsek, H. Koc, S. Palaz, O. Oltulu, Amirullah M. Mamedov, and Ekmel Ozbay "Band gap and optical transmission in the Fibonacci type one-dimensional A5B6C7 based photonic crystal" Phys. Status Solidi C (2015) 1-5.


16. S. Simsek, H. Koc, S. Palaz, O. Oltulu, Amirullah M. Mamedov, and Ekmel Ozbay "SbSI based photonic crystal superlattices: band structure and optics" IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 77 (2015) 012020.

17. S. Palaz, H. Koc, Amirullah M. Mamedov, and Ekmel Ozbay  “Topological Insulators: Electronic Band Structure and Spectroscopy”  IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 175 (2017) 012004.

18. S. Palaz, H. Koc, Haci Ozisik, Engin Deligöz, Amirullah M. Mamedov, and Ekmel Ozbay “Optical and magnetic properties of some XMnSb and Co2YZ compounds: ab initio calculations” Phys. Status Solidi C DOI 10.1002/pssc.201600182 (2017) 

19. H. Koc, S. Palaz, Amirullah M. Mamedov, and Ekmel Ozbay "Optical electronic and elastic properties of some A5B6C7 ferroelectric (A=Sb, Bi; B=S, Se; C=I, Br, Cl) Ferroelectrics 511 (2017) 22-34.

B. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings) basılan bildiriler

1. H. Koc and  Amirullah M. Mamedov, “Band Structure and Optical Properties of Some Quasi-molecular AI3 (A=Sb, Bi, As)”, IMMEA-2009, 2nd International Meeting on Materials for Electronic Applications, 62 pp., 8-10 May 2009, Hammamet, Tunisia


2. H. Koc "First Principles Study of Electronic Band Structure and Optical Properties of Sb2S3 and Sb2Se3 Crystals", Turkish Physical Society, 26. International Physics Conference, 146 pp., 24-27 September 2009, Bodrum, Turkey


3.  H. Koc, H. Akkus and Amirullah M. Mamedov " Band Structure And Optical Properties of Some Ternary Compounds - : Ab  Initio  Calculation" , ICTMC-17, The 17th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds, 126 pp., 27-30 September 2010, Baku, Azerbaijan


4. H. Koç and A. Yıldırım, “Ab-initio Calculation of the Structural, Electronic and Optical Properties of BiTeI Compound ”, Turkish Physical Society, 28. International Physics Conference, 813 pp., 6-9 September 2011, Bodrum, Turkey


5. H. Koc, Amirullah M. Mamedov and Ekmel Ozbay, "Optical Properties and Electronic Band Structure of Topological Insulators on  compound based", ISAF ECAPD PFM, 21st International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics, 11th European Conference on the Application of Polar Dielectrics and 4th Conference  Piezoresponse Force Microscopy and Nanoscale Phenomena in Polar Materials, 378 pp., 9-13 July 2012, Aveiro, Portugal


6. H. Koc, Amirullah M. Mamedov and Ekmel Ozbay. “Structural, Elastic, and Vibrational of Topological Insulators on A25B36 compound based”, 2013 Joint UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium (International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF) and Piezoresponse Force Microscopy and Nanoscale Phenomena in Polar Materials (PFM), Joint International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF)), 75 pp., 21-25 July 2013, Prague


7. S. Simsek, H. Koc, Amirullah M. Mamedov and Ekmel Ozbay, "Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy and the Electronic Structure of ABO3 Ferroelectrics: the First Principle Calculations", 13th International Meeting on Ferroelectricity (IMF-13), 585 pp., 2-6 September 2013, Poland


8. H. Koc, Amirullah M. Mamedov and Ekmel Ozbay. “Optical properties of the narrow-band ferrolectrics: first principle calculation, RCBJSF-2014-FM&NT Participants, 141 pp., September 29-October 2, 2014 Riga.


9. Husnu Koc, Sevket Simsek, Selami Palaz, Oral Oltulu, Amirullah M. Mamedov and Ekmel Ozbay” Band Structure and Optical Properties of the A4B6 layered ferroelectrics: ab initio calculation“,19th International Conferenceon Ternary and Multinary Compounds, September 1-5, 2014, Niigata, JAPAN ICTMC-19


10. Sevket Simsek, Husnu Koc, Selami Palaz, Oral Oltulu, Amirullah M. Mamedov and Ekmel Ozbay, “Band Gap and Optical Transmission in the Fibonacci Type One-Dimensional A5B6C7 Based Photonic Crystals”, 19th International Conferenceon Ternary and Multinary Compounds, September 1-5, 2014, Niigata, JAPAN ICTMC-19


11. Palaz Selami, Husnu Koc, , Amirullah M. Mamedov and Ekmel Ozbay, " Topological Insulators: Electronic Band Structure and Spectroscopy" The 4th International Conference on Competitive Materials and Tecnology Processes, October 3-7, 2016, Hungary


12. Palaz Selami, Husnu Koc, Hacı Özışık, Engin Deligoz, Amirullah M. Mamedov and Ekmel Ozbay, " Electronic Structures, Optical and Magnetic Properties of Some Heusler Compounds for Spintronic Devicies: ab initio calculation", The 4th International Conference on Competitive Materials and Tecnology Processes, October 3-7, 2016, Hungary


13. Husnu Koc, Palaz Selami, Amirullah M. Mamedov and Ekmel Ozbay, " Optical, Electronic and Elastic Properties of Some A5B6C7 Ferroelectrics (A=Sb, Bi; B=S, Se; C=I, Br, Cl): first principle calculation", Joint RCBJSF-IWRF Conference, Matsue, Japan


14. Husnu Koc, Palaz Selami, Gökay Uğur, Amirullah M. Mamedov and Ekmel Ozbay, " Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of Ruddlesden-Popper Perovskite Sulfides: first principle calculation", 20th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds, September 5-9, 2016, Germany


15. Palaz Selami, Husnu Koc, Hacı Özışık, Engin Deligoz, Amirullah M. Mamedov and Ekmel Ozbay, " Optical and Magnetic Properties of Some X2YZ Compounds: ab initio calculations" 20th International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds, September 5-9, 2016, Germany


16. Sabit Horoz, Husnu Koc,  Ömer Şahin, " Comparison Structural and Optical Properties of Sb2S3 Thin Films" 10th International Clean Energy Symposium", October 24-26, 2016, Turkey.

17. Selami Palaz, Husnu Koc, Gokay Ugur, Ekmel Ozbay, Amirullah Mamedov, "Elastic and optical properties of Ruddlestone-Popper perovskites-ab initio calculation" The Fourteenh International Meeting on Ferroelectricity (IMF 2017), September 4-8, 2017, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

18. H. Koc, Amirullah M. Mamedov, Ekmel Ozbay, "Ab initio Modeling of Elastic and Optical Properties of Sb and Bi Sesquioxides" The 3. International Conference on Rheology and Modeling of Materials (IC-RMM3), in Miskolc-Lillafüred, Hungary, 2-6 October, 2017. 


C. Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler

1. S. Yılmaz, H. Koc, “DNA Yapısından Işık Saçılması ve Faz Dönüşümü”, Türk Fizik Derneği (TFD-22), 22. Fizik Kongresi, 462 pp., 14-17 Eylül 2004, Bodrum, Türkiye


2. Husnu Koc, " Ortorombik ve hekzagonal CeNiSn bileşiğin mekanik, elektronik ve optik özellikleri: ab initio (temel prensip) hesaplamaları", 22. Yoğun Madde Fiziği  Ankara Toplantısı, 16 Aralık 2016, Ankara, Türkiye

D. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler

1. S.HOROZ, H. KOÇ, Ö. ŞAHİN, "Investigation of Structural, Optical and Photovoltaic Properties of Sb2S3 Thin Films" Cumhuriyet Sci. Vol. 38-3 (2017) 588-593.